YE Standards

Youthful Evolution™ principals are those that are in sync with the laws of nature as designed by nature. These are principals set to: Naturally Occurring Standards (NOS), biodynamic, and biocompatible.

Why is this so important to us?

It is really all about perspective. When you make a conscious decision to spend your earnings in trade for quality goods and what they represent then you reap the rewards of true value and benefits.

Here is one example as to why:

In other words if you are willing to trade a little more of your earnings for one biodynamic or organically-grown tomato, you will receive way more value. Paying for a conventional tomato may appear to lessen spending cost, but it may also take 3-4 conventionally-grown tomatoes to match up with that one organically grown tomato’s nutritional value, not to mention the incompatibility with youthful cells. And ultimately, it’s the alkalizing minerals and nutrition in your produce that provide you benefits when you trade your earnings and get the true value in what you are looking for.

“Results from a four-year $25 million European – Union funded study, organic food is healthier than conventional produce. This study was the biggest study of its kind. In a finding that challenges official advice, researchers have shown that fruits and vegetables contain up to 40% more nutrients if they are grown without chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Organic produce also had higher levels of iron and zinc, which are vital nutrients lacking in many people’s diets. The findings come from an expert in organic food whose four-year Newcastle University study was funded by the European Union and food companies.”

One of the better and clearer definitions I have come across on organic & biodynamics is by Toni Toney in her book “Get Green Go Green Eco Diet”. She describes them as follows:

Organic is a natural term used for foods that have been grown without the use of synthetic chemicals, especially fertilizers and pesticides. Organic farmers seek to nourish the living component of the soil – the microbial inhabitants that release, transform and transfer nutrients “

Biodynamic is a term used for foods grown biologically. Biodynamic farmers treat the soil as a living organism within its own ecosystem. Biodynamic is the oldest form of organic farming.”

“Biodynamic growing goes further in its approach to organic growing. It uses what some would call unorthodox methodologies to create the most nutritious foods possible. These methods incorporate planetary and cosmic rhythms (different phases of the sun, ­moon, planets, and stars) to contribute to the life, growth and form of the plant. By paying close attention to a detailed planting calendar, biodynamic farmers are given precise dates and times for everything from the best time to apply homeopathic field sprays and the use of herbal compost preparations to optimum dates and hours for sowing. It also uses crop rotation and companion planting. Crop rotation is the sequential planting of crops which most benefits the soil, and companion planting is a plant association of two or more plant species in close proximity in order that cultural benefits can be derived, such as pest control, higher yields and better conservation of the soil.”

American Heritage Dictionary:

bi-o-com-pat-i-bil-i-ty (bio-km-pat-bili-te)n. The property of being biologically compatible by not producing a toxic, injurious, or immunological response in living tissue: As a result of its strength and biocompatibility, the material is often used in medical devices.–bi’o-com-pat’i-ble adj.[1]

bi-o-dy-nam-ics (bio-di-namiks, -di-)n. n (used with a sing. verb). 1. The study of the effects of dynamic processes, such as motion or acceleration, on living organisms. 2. The science of the force or energy of living matter and physiological processes. 3. A method of organic gardening and crop cultivation in which certain factors, such as planetary and seasonal cycles, are considered.[2]

[1]Excerpted from American Heritage Talking Dictionary. Copyright © 1997 The Learning Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

[2]Excerpted from American Heritage Talking Dictionary. Copyright © 1997 The Learning Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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