Youthful Evolution™ is a lifestyle that is intended for all intensive purposes to help make us feel good, look good, have great long-lasting vitality, and progress by following the basic principals as designed by nature and Naturally Occurring Standards (NOS).
It is really very simple, if your cells are youthful and feel good, you are youthful and feel good! If you help your cells rejuvenate to be more youthful, you rejuvenate to be more youthful.
“The cell is immortal. It is merely the fluid in which it floats which degenerates. Renew this fluid at intervals, give the cell something on which to feed and, so far as we know, the pulsation of life may go on forever…” –Dr. Alexis Carrell, Noble Prize recipient, 1912
This lifestyle process is one that rejuvenates the body’s cells by following basic principals of nature, to create a state of vitality and Youthful-Being™. And while naturally creating a youthful internal environment, an evolution of well-being is simultaneously activated.
- It is the practice of eliminating any or all elements that either interfere or inhibit:
- the natural youthful and vital integrity of the body’s cells;
- the naturally occurring process of sustaining or rejuvenating the integrity for youthful and vital cells.
“The Secret of Life is both to feed and nourish the cells and let them flush their waste and toxins,” -according to Dr. Alexis Carrell, Nobel Prize recipient, 1912, and Dr. Otto Warburg
- It is the practice of nourishing youthful and vital cells with natural vital elements that are 100% compatible with these cells in order to sustain their original integrity and allow them to survive and thrive for over all youthfulness and well-being.
- It is predicated on providing an oxygenated internal environment for the body’s cells to survive, thrive and to be youthful for a more youthful you. It is about vital life-force energy… which is why life-force nutrition is so imperative!
Youthful Evolution™ can be practiced at any level you choose. The concept is to provide you with insights of what the body’s cells require to achieve an optimal level for youthfulness. As this simple lifestyle embodies mind, body, and spirit, for all ages and walks of life including pets, whatever level you choose can easily be incorporated into your current way of living.
I am happy to share in this journey with my friends at The Nourishing Tree where we had first hand experience at Youthful Evolution™ for my rejuvenation process. Watch my Youthful Evolution (REJUVENATION) experience in action…
Please note the video displays graphic images of myexperience, but they are very valuable in demonstrating the power of the Youthful Evolution™ (rejuvenation) process. Be sure to check back for my story and how I Youth-in-I-zed (rejuvenated) myself with The Nourishing Tree’s guidance.
Checkout some of the protocol services I followed and products I used during my experience. I will be providing more on what I did, but for now this gives you an idea.
Youthful Evolution™ was sprouted from seed and growing with appeal in alliance with The Nourishing Tree, located within Joshua Tree, CA a place for amazing insights and enlightenment.
“If our internal environment was changed from an acidic oxygen deprived environment to an alkaline environment full of oxygen, viruses, bacteria and fungus cannot live.” -Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel Prize recipient, 1931 & 1944
The vitality, sustainment, and survival of youthful, thriving cells is really very basic and simple to understand. The desire, motivation, self-discipline and fortitude to actually do it and how closely you may want to follow a Youthful Evolution™ lifestyle, may be a different story…
And allow your rejuvenation to be a “YOUTHFUL EVOLUTION” process!